Moment of Luck event

Views: 14570
18.01.2019 02:00

Dear Players!

Starting from 5:00 am 01.18.2019 till 11:59 pm 01.20.2019 we run Moment of luck event. Test your luck and get a chance to win a lot of valuable trophies.

To play roulette you need to spend a Treasure Lottery Ticket. You may obtain such ticket by purchasing Luck Keys. The Luck Key price is 20 diamonds per item.

The prize pool consists of the following items:

  • x10 Arsenal Crystals

  • x3 Arsenal Crystals

  • Soul Enhancement Potion

  • Soul Luck Potion

  • [Greece] Cards (orange)

  • Soul Skill Book III

  • [Greece] Cards (blue)

  • x5 Soul Crystals

  • [Greece] Cards (purple)

  • Soul Holiness Potion

  • x1 Soul Crystals

  • [Greece] Cards (red)

This time the main prize of Moment of Luck event is Bunny Star.

Play roulette and get additional reward by reaching certain amount of spins: 

  • 30 spins  [Legendary] Cards (blue)

  • 50 spins —  Gem Chest Lv.7 

  • 100 spins —  [Legendary] Cards (purple)

  • 200 spins —  x5 Soul Luck Potions

  • 300 spins —  [Legendary] Cards (orange)

  • 400 spins —  Gem Chest Lv.9 

  • 500 spins —  [Legendary] Cards (Red)

  • 600 spins —  x2 Soul Holiness Potions

  • 800 spins —  Arsenal Skill Books III

  • 1000 spins —  Arsenal Skill Books III

Use Luck Keys to buy items you want in Exchange Store:

Items available:

  • Constellation Crystal - 1 key per item - unlimited amount of purchases

  • Goddess Upgrade Optional Gift - 2 keys per item - unlimited amount of purchases

  • Enhancement Potion Chest - 10 keys per item - max 40 purchases a day

  • Gem Chest Lv.4 - 20 keys per item - max 30 purchases a day

  • Goddess Upgrade Crystal (blue) - 30 keys per item - max 20 purchases a day

  • Goddess Upgrade Crystal (purple) - 50 keys per item - max 12 purchases a day

  • Goddess Upgrade Crystal (orange) - 100 keys per item - max 8 purchases a day

  • Goddess Upgrade Crystal (red) - 200 keys per item - max 4 purchases a day

  • [Warlords] Cards (orange) - 300 keys per item - max 2 purchases a day

  • [Warlords] Cards (red) - 300 keys per item - max 1 purchase a day

Also, starting from 5:00 am 12.14.2018 till 11:59 pm 12.16.2018 all diamonds spent will bring you extra value: for spending one diamond you will receive one Spending Point.

Gathering enough Spending Points allows you to purchase some precious items:


  • Goddess Spirit Gift per 10 points; 999 exchanges
  • Progression Crystal Gift per 20 points; 999 exchanges
  • Skill Book Gift per 20 points; 999 exchanges
  • Enchantment Potion Chests per 50 points; 10 exchanges
  • Evolution Stone Gift (Epic) per 200 points; 8 exchanges
  • Grade 6 Fruit Gifts per 100 points; 10 exchanges

Arsenal items:

  • Arsenal Crystal per 20 points; 999 exchanges
  • Arsenal Luck Potion per 200 points; 999 exchanges
  • Arsenal Enhancement Potion per 300 points; 999 exchanges
  • Arsenal Holiness Potion per 500 points; 3 exchanges
  • Arsenal Skill Books I per 200 points; 2 exchanges
  • Arsenal Skill Books II per 1000 points; 2 exchanges
  • Arsenal Skill Books III per 2000 points; 2 exchanges

Enchanted Cards:

  • [Enchanted] Cards (blue) per 150 points; 8 exchanges
  • [Enchanted] Cards (purple) per 300 points; 5 exchanges
  • [Enchanted] Cards (orange) per 500 points; 3 exchanges
  • [Enchanted] Cards (red) per 2000 points; 2 exchanges

Gem Chests:

  • Gem Chest Lv.6 per 200 points; 10 exchanges
  • Gem Chest Lv.7 per 200 points; 8 exchanges
  • Gem Chest Lv.8 per 400 points; 5 exchanges
  • Gem Chest Lv.9 per 1000 points; 2 exchanges
  • Gem Chest Lv.10 per 5000 points; 2 exchanges

Soul items:

  • Soul Crystal per 20 points; 999 exchanges
  • Soul Luck Potion per 200 points; 999 exchanges
  • Soul Enhancement Potion per 300 points; 999 exchanges
  • Soul Holiness Potion per 500 points; 3 exchanges
  • Soul Skill Book I per 200 points; 99 exchanges
  • Soul Skill Book II 1000 points; 99 exchanges
  • Soul Skill Book III 2000 points; 99 exchanges



  • Neidgardt Star per 10000 points; 1 exchange
  • Large Snow Dragon's Star Stone per 10000 points; 1 exchange