Weekend events 09.08.24 - 12.08.24

Views: 2223
08.08.2024 21:52

Another popular destination for vacation is one of many settlements nestled among giant trees. Forest elves have been crafting these treetop havens for thousands of years. Dozens, even hundreds, of homes, cafes, libraries, shops, and other structures are interconnected by ropeways, wooden bridges, and even entire plazas. Even the most particular traveler will find something to delight in. The only drawback of these cities is that reaching them by land is quite challenging. You’ll need to enlist the help of a friendly giant eagle, a gracious dragon, or a resourceful mage. But if your purse is heavy with gold coins, a truly unforgettable experience awaits you! But let's now talk about the upcoming Weekend Events in Rise of Angels!

Spending Points Exchange, Expense Ranking and Luck Card will start on Friday 09.08.2024 and last till Monday 12.08.2024Adventurers can look forward to extraordinary elven bows, weightless chainmail, swift mounts, and a host of other incredible prizes and gifts!

Expense Ranking - amazings gifts for your efforts.

Spending Points Exchange - spend some diamonds and get goods for free.

Luck Card - lady luck is smiling at you!

Please, keep in mind that actual event rewards may vary from the provided screenshots. Always check events in game by yourself before using them. 

Have an amazing weekend, heroes!

All the best,
CreaGames Team