Happy Easter from CreaGames!

31.03.2024 17:36

Dear friends, our CreaGames team would like to wish you a Happy Easter

May this joyous occasion bring blessings of love, hope, and renewal to you and your loved ones. Wishing you a wonderful celebration filled with happiness, colorful eggs, and sweet treats!

Don't forget to spend this amazing and joyful day with you friend in beloved CreaGames titles:

Weekend events 09.08.24 - 12.08.24

08.08.2024 21:52

Another popular destination for vacation is one of many settlements nestled among giant trees. Forest elves have been crafting these treetop havens for thousands of years. Dozens, even hundreds, of homes, cafes, libraries, shops, and other structures are interconnected by ropeways, wooden bridges, and even entire plazas. Even the most particu... Read completely >

Weekend events 02.08.24 - 05.08.24

01.08.2024 21:43

Another incredible place for relaxation are highland hotsprings of the north. Nestled high in the mountains among snow-capped peaks and pristine white clouds, they offer a unique experience. Hidden beneath the mountains lies the famous city of dwarves and their workshops, whose heat warms the crystal-clear mountain lakes even through solid rock. Even in winter, the waters ar... Read completely >

Weekend events 26.07.24 - 29.07.24

26.07.2024 01:14

In summer there are many wonderful places to relax: pristine beaches, bustling rivers, cool forests and towering mountains. However, the most popular summer destination for the residents of the Floating City is the lake in the volcano's crater. The water is crystal clear, the volcanic black sand is striking, and the temperature is a perfect 3... Read completely >

Weekend events 19.07.24 - 22.07.24

18.07.2024 23:32

In a world of demonic battles, vigilance is paramount. Even the strongest and most reliable fortress walls can fail at the crucial moment. The city of Ancarda lay directly on the seabed, just a few miles offshore. Protected by an energy dome and the ocean's depths, the inhabitants planned to weather the demonic invasion in comfort and safety. However, the demons bribed greed... Read completely >

Weekend events 12.07.24 - 15.07.24

11.07.2024 23:14

The world is filled with various types of houses — majestic castles, luxurious estates, cozy cottages, and fragile shacks. But a home inside a nut? That's something new! In dense forests, you may occasionally find giant nuts. No one knows how they got there or where they came from. The shell of these nuts is incredibly strong, and the insides... Read completely >

Weekend events 05.07.24 - 08.07.24

04.07.2024 23:19

The world is full of fascinating and mysterious places, but the flooded gold mines of Alazar stand out even among them. Long ago, the kingdom of Alazar was rich in gold. So rich, in fact, that they've built a giant golden temple as tall as a mountain. However, this grandeur came at a cost — thousands of miners toiled in the mines for years. The money earned from selling the ... Read completely >

Weekend events 28.06.24 - 01.07.24

27.06.2024 23:30

Wizards, for the most part, are impulsive and spontaneous. They try to bring all their desires to life, even if achieving such goals takes years or decades. For example, creating a magical golem-waiter. Or constructing a garden of metallic flowers. Building a city on the back of a giant crab at last. Yes, such a city exists thanks to the pers... Read completely >

Weekend events 21.06.24 - 24.06.24

20.06.2024 22:13

The Air element is fast-changing and unpredictable. It is quite easy to deal with the inhabitants of the sky realms who follow certain logic: dragons patrol their domains, thunderbirds migrate from one part of the continent to another, harpies gather in flocks and battle hostile clans. But what if the entire natural power of the whole element gains consciousness? Or maybe no... Read completely >

Weekend events 14.06.24 - 17.06.24

13.06.2024 18:00

Sea voyages to and from the continent are quite dangerous. Many countries have forbidden their ships from venturing more than a mile from the shore, and it was done for a good reason. Much like the underground depths, the ocean harbors terrifying and dangerous creatures capable of sinking not just one ship, but an entire fleet with a single b... Read completely >

Weekend events 07.06.24 - 10.06.24

07.06.2024 00:26

The Floating City stands as a magnificent marvel of engineering, yet is it truly the best defense against a demonic invasion? Perhaps instead of conquering the skies, we should direct our thoughts elsewhere? To the Underground, perhaps? Many of the greatest minds considered this idea! Beneath the earth's surface, several cities have flourished indeed. At one point, their gro... Read completely >