Happy Easter from CreaGames!

31.03.2024 17:36

Dear friends, our CreaGames team would like to wish you a Happy Easter

May this joyous occasion bring blessings of love, hope, and renewal to you and your loved ones. Wishing you a wonderful celebration filled with happiness, colorful eggs, and sweet treats!

Don't forget to spend this amazing and joyful day with you friend in beloved CreaGames titles:

Weekend events 19.01.24 - 22.01.24

18.01.2024 22:37

Winter is dangerous: it is so easy to catch a cold or even freeze to death, even while hunting dragons with friends! In order to avoid such things, here is some useful advice. First of all, don't forget to wear warm clothes, even hats and helmets! Second, don't underestimate the power of vitamins and potions. Thirdly, don't chill outside the house, try to move and exercise! ... Read completely >

Weekend events 12.01.24 - 15.01.24

11.01.2024 22:29

Well, well, well... Beginning of the new year is just the best time to start a whole new life. Any new year resolutions already? Don't spend too much time thinking about them, just do your best and try to become a better version of yourself. That's the trick! Now take a glance at Weekend Events in Rise of Angels!

Spending Points Exchange, ... Read completely >

Weekend events 05.01.2024-08.01.2024

04.01.2024 21:36

Without further parley — here come the first Weekend Events in Rise of Angels in the year 2024! Hope everybody's doing great and nobody forgets to claim all the amazing presents from the in-game posts. Cheers

Expense Ranking, Faberge MuseumSpending Points Exchange and Olymp will start on Friday 05.01.2024 and last till Monday 8.01.2024. Amazing clothes, plate armor, dea... Read completely >

Weekend events 29.12.2023-01.01.2024

28.12.2023 20:55

Here come the last weekend events of 2023. Hope, you are having a blast during the Christmas holidays, friends! But now it is high time to prepare for the New Year! Here is a brief look at the upcoming Weekend Events in Rise of Angels!

Spending Points Exchange, Expense Ranking and Luck Card will start on Friday 29.12.2023 and last till Mon... Read completely >

Weekend events 22.12-25.12

21.12.2023 21:12

Just a few more steps and Christmass will be finally here! We’ve prepared two weeks of joy, presents and events for all of you, so do not miss all the amazing upcoming stuff. But for now — concentrate on preparing something awesome for your families and friends. Cheers! Also here is some information about Weekend Events in Rise of Angels!

Expense Ranking, Faberge Museum, ... Read completely >

Weekend events 15.12-18.12

15.12.2023 00:35

Less than two weeks left until Christmas! There is still some time to find all the presents for the family and friends, to decorate the house and to draw up a menu. The Floating City is busy at this time: merchants, chefs, magicians and many other people work hard to make the upcoming holidays awesome: they decorate the city, check the suppli... Read completely >

Weekend events 08.12-11.12

07.12.2023 18:07

Snow, snow everywhere! One might think snow is fluffy and funny, but the Floating City once almost became a snowball. After a fierce battle with an ancient dragon most of the city’s systems became inactive and there was no chance to escape except for flying through a field of snow clouds. Fast enough the town became full of snow and nearly exceeded its weight capacity. Clean... Read completely >

Weekend events 01.12.2023-04.12.2023

30.11.2023 22:35

Hey, Winter is almost here! So many awesome activities await: skiing, skating, sledging, snowboarding. Shiny winter mornings, cozy winter evenings, amazing holidays and tons of presents! Every season is fun, but winter is the winner among them all! But don't forget to keep warm, eat some fruits and vegetables and to prepare some awesome thing... Read completely >

Weekend events and something more

24.11.2023 00:37

The end of November is traditionally the month of trade fairs and shopping festivals. Hundreds of people visit Floating City during this period: merchants, craftsmen, scientists, travelers and many others. All of them want to find the best things available and to buy them at lowest possible prices. Sometimes it is even possible. The only rule everyone should obey: all the it... Read completely >

Weekend events 17.11.23 - 20.11.23

16.11.2023 22:49

One might think that the Floating City is nearly invincible. Well... that's far from the truth! Many great dangers await strangers. Even those of them, who wander through the skies. For example magical whirls. Strong winds and energy flows gather around unstable magic cores. One touch and a giant explosion will destroy everything around. Not ... Read completely >