Happy Easter from CreaGames!

31.03.2024 17:36

Dear friends, our CreaGames team would like to wish you a Happy Easter

May this joyous occasion bring blessings of love, hope, and renewal to you and your loved ones. Wishing you a wonderful celebration filled with happiness, colorful eggs, and sweet treats!

Don't forget to spend this amazing and joyful day with you friend in beloved CreaGames titles:

New server - Villandis City

20.02.2024 01:08

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Villandis City — has been opened!

Villandis was a criminal once. A very smooth criminal. With many golden coins hidden under his cloak. But what can a rich man do to get away from his dark grim past? Build a whole new city, of course! And here it comes — Villandis City, the city of tastes and the city of wonders.

Would you like to take... Read completely >

New server - Milea City

13.02.2024 00:29

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Milea City — has been opened!

One may find dozens of strong female warriors across the continent, but how many of them run a big thriving city? Well, Milea does. She is an elven princess, who decided no to abandon the realm of war and to fight evil creatures face to face and hand in hand with other brave warriors. Years flew like leaves i... Read completely >

New server - Davery City

05.02.2024 18:16

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Davery City — has been opened!

Nothing can be seen through these high thick stone walls. Guarding towers with ballistas and crossbows protect the sleep of the citizens. And hundreds of soldiers are always ready to face any intruders. To be honest chances to conquer this place are too low. But if one manages to succeed, he will get the cru... Read completely >

New server - Holy City of Luma

22.01.2024 23:31

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Holy City of Luma — has been opened!

There is nothing strange in people seeking something to trust in this world. A source of hope, courage and redemption. And the Holy City of Luma is the right place for all the believers. It is a rare pillar of light in an endless world of horror and darkness, where one can have a break from mortal thou... Read completely >

New server - Palace of Solace

16.01.2024 02:45

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Palace of Solace — has been opened!

Well, speaking the truth, this place does not have rows of columns, antic pillars or anything fancy. Palace is just a name. A name of the place, which one can not visit being a regular man. You need to be some kind of a royal person, a great wizard or at least a prosperous merchant. Elite club for those... Read completely >

New server - City of Agony

19.12.2023 01:41

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  City of Agony — has been opened today!

Some places are meant to be hard for living. City of Agony, for example. Doomed and damned creatures find their last refuge here. But beware: they've been sentenced to this place for a reason. Oathbreakers, betrayers and other shruffs deserve no compassion. 

Lead them to redemption!

Sincerely y... Read completely >

New server - Kain Town

11.12.2023 23:40

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Kain Town — has been opened today!

Kain is known as one of the best sharpshooters in the world. Even in storm weather he can hit the distant target with ease. And this town belongs to him. Nobleman gathered lots of treasures inside its walls. But in order to get them you'd better prepare a few dozens of shieldmen!

Hold the shield and p... Read completely >

New server - Torsacht Town

04.12.2023 19:38

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Torsacht Town — has been opened today!

Ordinary place, to be honest. Some houses for accommodation, a forge, a workshop, a lumber mill, decent walls. Well, this place is brilliant for beginners with a lack of powerful enemies nearby. Start from scratches and reach the top! 

Try till you finally make it!

Sincerely yours,
CreaGames T... Read completely >

New server - Tantar City

27.11.2023 23:12

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Tantar City — has been opened today!

Strange place it is. Dread land, dead trees, burned rocks. Like life itself abandoned this place. But don't get tricked: some creatures still exist there. Those who need just a sip of dirty water. Just a slice of meat. If you have enough courage to visit Tantar City and enough strength to conquer all g... Read completely >

New server - Felliera Town

20.11.2023 20:04

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Felliera Town — has been opened today!

The finest horses of the whole east! This is Felliera Town. The place where you can get the fastest and the strongest horse' breeds for one man or even for a whole army. Vast green planes nearby help to raise hundreds of young horses in one season and the mild climate keeps them warm and fed. Ideal p... Read completely >