Happy Easter from CreaGames!

31.03.2024 17:36

Dear friends, our CreaGames team would like to wish you a Happy Easter

May this joyous occasion bring blessings of love, hope, and renewal to you and your loved ones. Wishing you a wonderful celebration filled with happiness, colorful eggs, and sweet treats!

Don't forget to spend this amazing and joyful day with you friend in beloved CreaGames titles:

New server - Fort Sagehelm

19.06.2023 19:24

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Fort Sagehelm — has been opened today!

Not all forts are equally good. Some have been sieged and broken by outraging armies. Like Fort Sagehelm that was completely annihilated by the orc army and served as a prison for years. Many brave warriors can be found in its chambers. 

Why not set them free? 

Sincerely yours,
CreaGames Team

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New server - Misis Maw

13.06.2023 00:10

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Casello — has been opened today!

Misis was a dragon once. Cruel, brutal, angry dragon who loved killing all kinds of living creatures just for fun. No surprise, Misis was killed. But some people decided to make a camp inside the fallen dragon's jaw! Nonsense. Horrible place for everything... except a tavern. World-known tavern with the be... Read completely >

New server - Casello

05.06.2023 20:04

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Casello — has been opened today!

Nothing even comes close to a comfortable bed and tasty food in terms of coziness and wellness. And these things one can easily get in Casello — the finest inn on the whole eastern coast. Moreover, it is one of the safest places in this region, because of its position and defensive fortifications.

Would... Read completely >

New server - Gorgongulch

29.05.2023 20:39

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Gorgongulch — has been opened today!

Gorgones are one the rarest mythic creature types. Dangerous, deadly and toxic. They tend to live in swamps and gulches among the shadows and shallow waters. It is hard to gain their trust but just a few gorgon riders can greatly increase the overall power of their commander.

Great way to improve th... Read completely >

New server - Shadowbreach

22.05.2023 22:15

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Shadowbreach — has been opened today!

Not all places are equially good. What can you expect from something called Shadowbreach? Eternal suffering, unbearable pain, horrific despair. Probably all of these things at the same time. And you hit it just right. Shadowbreach is the place where all darkest thoughts and nightmares come true. 

A... Read completely >

New server - Ferizbourne

16.05.2023 18:08

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Ferizbourne — has been opened today!

To be honest nobody knows what does this name mean. Some people say Ferizbourne is a village where everyone can find a place to live and work to do. Some think that Ferizbourne is a divine castle somewhere in the mountains. Others believe Ferizbourne is nothing but a myth. You can not know that for sur... Read completely >

New server - Mohiga Peak

08.05.2023 22:07

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Mohiga Peak — has been opened today!

This peak is the highest mountain of a northern mountain chain. Just a perfect place to keep your eyes on the enemy's movement in case you wish to take an upper hand on a tactical level. Otherwise it is still a good place to outwait the biggest battles safely.

But don't even think about touching the... Read completely >

New server - Kanunmire

02.05.2023 19:12

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Kanunmire — has been opened today!

It is a strange village full of strange people. They wear strange clothes with flower ornaments and carry strange swords with a curved blade. But for centuries this place has never been conquered. It is the land of brave and honorable people.

Are you a decent rival for them? 

Sincerely yours,
Crea... Read completely >

New server - Fort Calcontra

24.04.2023 21:08

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Fort Calcontra — has been opened today!

Have you ever heard a legend about one place... a distant fort, where the dragons nest? One can not even approach that place, because giant ancient lizards tend to eat intruders. Or at least burn them to ashes. Many rulers and commanders tried to conquer the dragon nest but failed.

Maybe you are ... Read completely >

New server - Keep Eisingart

17.04.2023 19:18

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Keep Eisingart — has been opened today!

What to keep in a keep? That is the question! Treasures, perhaps? Monsters? Secrets? Maybe everything listed above? Well, in fact it is harder to find a keep than something to keep there. But with Keep Eisingart all your problems should be solved in a blink of an eye. Nor only is it one of the tough... Read completely >