Happy New Year!

31.12.2024 01:37

Happy New Year!

We wish you and your families good health, great spirits, success in all your endeavors and the fulfillment of your most cherished dreams. Have a wonderful time and enjoy the company of friends and loved ones.

Happy holidays!

Also, don’t forget to check out your favorite games — there are many awesome things happening right now:

Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

24.12.2024 21:01

Dear friends,

It is the most magical time of year again — Christmas!

Our CreaGames team wishes all the best to you and your families! Have an amazing time with your loved ones, keep dreaming and may all your dreams come true!


Don’t forget about the games you like and all those fantasy worlds bursting with joy and adventures — there is so much to do there... Read completely >

Happy Halloween from CreaGames!

31.10.2024 23:47

And once again, the scariest night of 2024 arrives!

Cast aside all norms and rules, awaken your inner self, and spend an unforgettable time among vampires, ghouls, mummies, and all your friends!

Let loose and party until you drop!

Don’t forget to check out your favorite games – there’s a lot of exciting stuff happening in them right now:

New server - Kain Town

11.12.2023 23:40

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Kain Town — has been opened today!

Kain is known as one of the best sharpshooters in the world. Even in storm weather he can hit the distant target with ease. And this town belongs to him. Nobleman gathered lots of treasures inside its walls. But in order to get them you'd better prepare a few dozens of shieldmen!

Hold the shield and p... Read completely >

Weekend events 08.12-11.12

07.12.2023 18:07

Snow, snow everywhere! One might think snow is fluffy and funny, but the Floating City once almost became a snowball. After a fierce battle with an ancient dragon most of the city’s systems became inactive and there was no chance to escape except for flying through a field of snow clouds. Fast enough the town became full of snow and nearly exceeded its weight capacity. Clean... Read completely >

New server - Torsacht Town

04.12.2023 19:38

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Torsacht Town — has been opened today!

Ordinary place, to be honest. Some houses for accommodation, a forge, a workshop, a lumber mill, decent walls. Well, this place is brilliant for beginners with a lack of powerful enemies nearby. Start from scratches and reach the top! 

Try till you finally make it!

Sincerely yours,
CreaGames T... Read completely >

Weekend events 01.12.2023-04.12.2023

30.11.2023 22:35

Hey, Winter is almost here! So many awesome activities await: skiing, skating, sledging, snowboarding. Shiny winter mornings, cozy winter evenings, amazing holidays and tons of presents! Every season is fun, but winter is the winner among them all! But don't forget to keep warm, eat some fruits and vegetables and to prepare some awesome thing... Read completely >

New server - Tantar City

27.11.2023 23:12

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Tantar City — has been opened today!

Strange place it is. Dread land, dead trees, burned rocks. Like life itself abandoned this place. But don't get tricked: some creatures still exist there. Those who need just a sip of dirty water. Just a slice of meat. If you have enough courage to visit Tantar City and enough strength to conquer all g... Read completely >

Weekend events and something more

24.11.2023 00:37

The end of November is traditionally the month of trade fairs and shopping festivals. Hundreds of people visit Floating City during this period: merchants, craftsmen, scientists, travelers and many others. All of them want to find the best things available and to buy them at lowest possible prices. Sometimes it is even possible. The only rule everyone should obey: all the it... Read completely >

New server - Felliera Town

20.11.2023 20:04

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Felliera Town — has been opened today!

The finest horses of the whole east! This is Felliera Town. The place where you can get the fastest and the strongest horse' breeds for one man or even for a whole army. Vast green planes nearby help to raise hundreds of young horses in one season and the mild climate keeps them warm and fed. Ideal p... Read completely >

Weekend events 17.11.23 - 20.11.23

16.11.2023 22:49

One might think that the Floating City is nearly invincible. Well... that's far from the truth! Many great dangers await strangers. Even those of them, who wander through the skies. For example magical whirls. Strong winds and energy flows gather around unstable magic cores. One touch and a giant explosion will destroy everything around. Not ... Read completely >

New server - Rockton Town

13.11.2023 17:40

Mighty Leaders,

​New server —  Rockton Town — has been opened today!

City among the rocks — Rockton. One may think building houses and structures in such an environment might sound difficult (if not impossible). It is, in fact. But there is one major advantage — no need of building fortifications and walls. Moreover, you will hardly find any castle with such thick wall... Read completely >

Weekend events 10.11.23 - 13.11.23

09.11.2023 19:26

Potable water was once a solid problem for the Floating City. Thousands of people drink, wash and bath almost every day. Even different facilities, workshops and fabrics use clean water for their needs. At first special mages converted sea water into fresh water. But this process required dozens of spells and lots of magical power. Gathering rain water was a little bit easie... Read completely >