Happy Easter from CreaGames!

31.03.2024 17:36

Dear friends, our CreaGames team would like to wish you a Happy Easter

May this joyous occasion bring blessings of love, hope, and renewal to you and your loved ones. Wishing you a wonderful celebration filled with happiness, colorful eggs, and sweet treats!

Don't forget to spend this amazing and joyful day with you friend in beloved CreaGames titles:

New server - Ogada Town

13.02.2023 20:21

Mighty Leaders,

​New server — Ogada Town — has been opened today!

One of a few towns behind the frozen dunes. A life-saving place for all the chilled and damned to wander across the white valley. If you only knew how much more comfort can thin walls and a small bonfire provide! 

Try to wield the power of eternal ice and bleeding snow! 

Sincerely yours,
CreaGames... Read completely >

Weekend Events 10.02-13.02

09.02.2023 21:22

Who is faster: a dragon, a bird or a Floating City? The dragon? Nah. These ancient creatures are massive and powerful, but some relict birds from the previous ages still dash through the skies with insane speed. The Floating City takes third place. In fact it's speed is similar to a ship: something about 25 knots. But in extreme situations it can speed up a little bit. Now l... Read completely >

New Server Ariadna

09.02.2023 17:22

Greetings, Heroes!

Our newest US server "Ariadna" will be going live today (09.02.2023) at 12pm EDT, and we've got some special activities lined up for its launch.
Don`t miss your chance to be the first on all tops!

Best wishes, G'n'M Team

New server - Hozhha Village

06.02.2023 20:38

Mighty Leaders,

​New server — Hozhha Village — has been opened today!

Not much to say about the Hozhha village. Strange place with strange creatures living there. Tigers with eight legs, bears with wings, snakes with lion's faces... If you believe in rumors, there is a secret wizard laboratory somewhere beneath the ground, where occultic leaders and scientists try hard... Read completely >

Weekend Events 03.02-06.02

02.02.2023 19:13

Welcome to the shortest month of the year, heroes! The February is finally here and it will stay with us for 28 days only. Don't waste your time and be as productive as possible! Now we will tell a few words about the upcoming Weekend Events in Rise of Angels!

Expense Ranking, Faberge MuseumSpending Points Exchange and Olymp will start on Friday 03.02.2023 and last till... Read completely >

New server - Mount Malo Town

30.01.2023 21:04

Mighty Leaders,

​New server — Mount Malo Town — has been opened today!

Bet this town will exceed your expectations. What might one think of hearing a "mountain town"? Few houses, a tavern, a barn... That's all. But Mount Malo Town is much of a difference. More of a city than a town. Hundreds of houses, townhall, barracks, fortified walls. Such a great place to build yo... Read completely >

Weekend Events 27.12-30.12

26.01.2023 20:13

The first month of the year is coming to an end. There are still lots of things to do and lots of goals to achieve. Keep it up! Now let's discuss the Weekend Events in Rise of Angels

Spending Points Exchange, Expense Ranking and Luck Card will start on Friday 27.01.2023 and last till Monday 30.01.2023Outstanding reliques and awesome costumes are waiting for the braves... Read completely >

Weekend Events 20.01-23.01

19.01.2023 22:06

Have you ever wondered how old the Floating City is? One might think that it was built after the last demonic invasion. But in fact the city was created by an anciet guild of mages far before the demons appeared. The old prototype had one big disadvatage: it could not fly, just float in several metres above the ground. Only several hundreed years ago greatest minds of the hu... Read completely >

Neuer Server - Si'anma Town

16.01.2023 19:13

Mighty Leaders,

​New server — Si'anma Town — has been opened today!

Si'anma Town is known for its two towers — Si'anma Towers. They have been built thousand years ago and still stand high upon the ground. At first this constructions guarded the path across the mountains. Than a small frontier post appeared. It developed into a village. And at the moment initial dozen o... Read completely >

Weekend Events 13.01-16.01

12.01.2023 20:14

First Weekend Events in Rise of Angels are about to start in the year 2023. We hope that the Year of the Rabbit will become the most awesome year of this century. Let's do our best to make it so! 

Spending Points Exchange, Expense Ranking and Luck Card will start on Friday 13.01.2023 and last till Monday 16.01.2023Nice reliques and sweet costumes are waiting for the bra... Read completely >